
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

we are gerrying tool


Idea: GERRY shares WE 

· In order to contextualize “Gerry” please see the movie “Gerry” Gust Van Sant

Place: a studio space

Aproximated duration: minimum 1 h 30 min. max 3 hours

Basic task: to create, invent games and situations in between. Perceiving the actions simultaneously and in a co-implicated way by those who are creating it (instead of making it happen through explication or a common agreement)

Necessary materials: any object that you can find in this or the other rooms (dressing room, toilets…etc) you can use at any moment; a handy mobile camera with which you may take photos, or a photo camera; a computer from which you may want to play some music at some point.


Everything is a GERRY or it is GERRYING.

Gerry is a verb that is a subject, object, circumstance, quality, action, question.

Possible strategies

  • You may want to begin the experiment relating persons and things asking yourself the following (or using these questions not literally but in action.). Please, notice that your perception of these questions may change at any moment through out the experiment:

What is gerry?

Where is gerry?

How does gerry feel?

What is gerry doing and how?

Where did gerry go?

  • In order to help yourself in the activity of Gerrying, you can use as Gerries all the objects you may find in the room or place the experiment is taking place.